Life Groups
Containers for Growing Disciples
One of the foundational values of Grace GMC is Connected in Relationships. What that means is simply this: Belonging and growing in faith go hand and hand! God uses relationships as a primary means of communicating God’s grace to us. Yet, sometimes it feels easier to go it alone, to not be vulnerable, to not trust. We are scared to be fully known. Yet the deepest parts of us crave to be known and loved and to share that with others. If we are to grow in love, we are going to need the support of our family in Christ!
So in Life Groups we work hard at creating environments of trust, listening and mutual respect. In the group, we share our authentic lives with one another, being transparent with the things we struggle with and the places where God is molding us. In addition, we say the true, hard thing to one another so that we are shaped by the Spirit of God. And the groups do not exist for themselves. Each group is a means of grace for those they encounter as they serve and impact those around them. Growing disciples grow disciples.
So What?
Life groups are groups of less than 15 people who meet together often for Shaping, Sharing and Serving. Here’s how they functionally work:
See how God is shaping you daily through the Word and Spirit.
Philippians 4:9
This group is not a Bible study even though the Bible is central to our life in God. Instead, each group can share on topics like these:
Discuss the sermon and its application for you this week
Share what God is teaching you this week through action, a teaching, a Bible study or personal devotion time
Revealing our lives through His light - becoming unhidden.
1 Thessalonians 2:8
We can only be loved when we are truly seen. So each group seeks to help each feel more and more comfortable becoming unhidden, trusting the light of God to heal, purify and make whole.
Key questions that are asked:
How is your soul?
Where are you struggling and how can we pray for you?
Where do you see signs of the Spirit working in your life?
Serve together. Grow together.
Galatians 5:13
When we serve together we grow together. Each Group will serve together at least 4x/year.
How does this work?
Life Groups identify a place/group opportunity that they want to serve.
After praying through it, groups make a plan to make it happen.
If funds are needed, the Missions Team allocates funds each year for Life Groups. Group leaders can contact missions@gracechurchperrysburg.com to request funds.
Questions? Want to join a group? Reach out to our office at office@gracechurchperrysburg.com or call the office at 419-874-4365.