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Malachi 3:10 (TLB)

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so that there will be food enough in my Temple; if you do, I will open up the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing so great you won’t have room enough to take it in! "Try it! Let me prove it to you!"

Just as a farmer sacrifices his seed in the ground to grow a plant, God calls us to sacrifice the blessings He has given to us so that they might multiply as well. At Grace, we use the gifts you give for: building debt reduction, numerous mission partners, mission trip travel, youth and children events, equipment, study materials, ​community outreach, supplies, and much more. 

Online giving

Simple, safe, and secure. Give a one-time gift, or schedule ongoing donations using your checking account, debit, or credit card. Click the button below to be transferred to our secure giving website.

ACH Giving

Or, if it's more convenient for you, you can sign up for automatic withdrawal.

On the Phone

Give in the Grace Church Perrysburg app!

Find more information about the Grace Church financial policies and giving options below.

Financial Generosity

Seeking to live into the pattern of Jesus (Philippians 2, John 13), one of the measures we press toward as Grace Church disciples is to live a Generous Lifestyle. We regularly ask ourselves, “How am I giving my life away?” Embedded in this question is the assumption that all of our lives are to be given to the will and purposes of God. And when we offer our lives in this way, we experience life abundant (John 10:10), and witness the power of God working through us. 


So when we think about financial giving to the church, we see it as a joyful expression of us becoming more like Christ. We believe that God owns everything and even our ability to make money comes from God (Deut 8:17-18). So all of life is a gift to be stewarded/managed in ways that honor God. Giving to God through the Church is one way we steward God’s financial resources and in doing so we:

  • Learn to trust God

  • Learn to exercise dependence on God

  • Are released from temptations of greed and envy

  • Say to God and to the church, “I am invested in God’s work.”

If God is calling you to honor Him through financial generosity to Grace Church, read below to see how we will best steward the resources given to us. All of our ministry (missions, facility, staffing, worship, youth, etc.) budgets come from our General Fund so we encourage you to select that line item as you give.


Financial Policies

We know it may not be easy to participate financially if you don’t know where the funds are going. We offer an open-book policy with our finances. We voluntarily submit to a third-party audit bi-annually, have strict regulations on how funds are handled, and our stewardship and finance team is led by and composed of lay leaders in our community who are not compensated by the church (our Pastors and Bookkeeper report to them!) On top of that, our budget (July 1-June 30) is voted on yearly by the lay members of the church board! Integrity is crucial to our operations. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


Legal Updates

Our legal name is Grace Church Perrysburg, Inc. Starting January 1, 2023, all gifts should be made to Grace Church Perrysburg. Some of you also use automatic withdrawal, and others also have designated Grace Church in your planned giving or estates. Please notify the appropriate source of the new name - Grace Church Perrysburg.

Designating Your Gifts

We have two ongoing accounts that your generous gifts go into: the general fund and the facility fund. In addition, we have one temporary over-and-above fund, all described below: 

General Fund – All our ministry (missions, facility, staffing, worship, youth, etc.) budgets come from our General Fund. All undesignated gifts go to this Fund. 

Facility Fund – These funds are used for the purpose of ensuring that our facility and property is stewarded well. 

Future Fund – TEMPORARY – We paid our disaffiliation costs of $392,000 to the West Ohio Conference earlier this month via a loan. We want to pay this loan off by December 2023 through over-and-above gifts marked ‘Future’. We ask that you indicate which fund or funds you want your gifts to go to.

Cash-Related Giving Options

  • Online - Give a one-time gift, or schedule ongoing donations using your checking account, debit, or credit card. Use the link above or connect through our Grace Church Perrysburg app. 

  • Giving Boxes - Located in our lobbies and one mounted inside the H2 doors (open M-Th, 9-4). 

  • Mail - Send it to Grace Church Perrysburg, 601 E. Boundary St. Perrysburg 43551 

  • Automated Checking Gift - Our bookkeeper can help you set up an ACH. See the form linked above.

  • Planned Giving - If you would like to discuss Planned Giving strategies, including estate planning, wills, real-estate, IRAs, etc. or if you have any other questions, please contact us.

Non-Cash Ways to Give 

  • Marketable Securities - Transfer ownership of stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares
    You may qualify for a year end deduction of “up to” the full market value of the gift as of the end of the day the gift is given. Additionally, you should be able to avoid being taxed on any short-term or long-term capital gains, which would have been in effect if, instead, you sold the security. Please be mindful to consult with your accountant or financial advisor as to the effect such a gift will have on you.
    There are two steps needed to give marketable securities to Grace Church Perrysburg:

    • Step 1: Initiate the Transfer 
      You and your broker can electronically initiate the transfer of shares to the Grace Church Perrysburg brokerage account. Use the following information to deliver your securities: 

      • Brokerage: Raymond James / attn: Karen Irwin 
        Address: 213 Louisiana Ave, Perrysburg, OH 43551 
        Phone: 419-873- 1400 
        Church Account Name: Grace Church Perrysburg Inc. 
        DTC #: 0725 
        Fund Account #: 347DP468 

    • Step 2: Notify Grace Church 
      In order for your contribution to be attributed to the correct fund, notify Corinne Allison in the office of this information to help us serve you better. Please provide the following information by email, mail, or phone: 
      • Donor’s full name and address 
      • Name and number of securities transferred 
      • Date of Transfer 
      • Name of Fund that the securities will be designated to (i.e. General Fund) 

  • Planned Gifts - Giving retirement assets, bequests, trusts, etc.
    There are several types of gifts that may fall under this category, many of which are very simple to make. We again highly recommend that you consult an appropriate financial, tax or legal advisor when making these changes.

    Planned gifts include: 

    • Life Insurance: you can simply name Grace Church Perrysburg as a beneficiary. 

    • Retirement Assets: you can name Grace Church Perrysburg as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plan. 

    • Bequests: you can name Grace Church Perrysburg in your will as a beneficiary, and your estate will receive an income tax deduction for the value of your bequest. A bequest written in a will can be made for either a percentage or an amount. 


  • If you interested in any of these ways to give, please contact either Corinne Allison or Pastors Dan or Grace at 

  • QCD (Qualified Charitable Donations) 
    QCDs only apply to IRA owners and beneficiaries (it applies to inherited IRAs as well) who are 72 years old or older. The provision doesn’t apply to distributions from company plans like 401(k)’s or 403(b)’s. 

    If you have an IRA (or inherited IRA), are 70½ years old or older and subject to required minimum distributions (RMDs), you can make their donations directly from your IRA to the church. It must be a direct transfer to the church, but a check from the IRA made out to the church will also qualify. You can make up to $100,000 in annual IRA donations. 

    What’s the benefit? QCD gifts save on taxes. How? The transfer from the IRA to the church is excluded from income and also qualifies as part of your annual IRA Required Minimum Distribution, up to the amount transferred. There is no charitable deduction because that would be double-dipping, but the exclusion from income lowers AGI. That can trigger tax savings in many other income-based areas, such as itemized deductions, personal exemptions and even cutting Medicare premiums and the tax on Social Security benefits. This isn’t about giving more money to the church to get a better tax deduction. This is about paying less tax when giving the same amount to church. Please talk to your financial advisor for assistance.

Contact information

Please contact Corinne Allison in the office with your questions. She will make sure they promptly get to the correct person’s attention.


Grace Church Perrysburg Attn: Finances 

601 E. Boundary St. Perrysburg, OH 43551 


Phone: 419.874.4365

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601 East Boundary Street
Perrysburg, OH 43551

(419) 874-4365

© 2023 by Grace Church

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